hambohoedownbuttonIt is the third Wednesday of the month which means it is time for a new challenge at Hambo so come on over and join in the last challenge of 2013…Let’s HOEDOWN!

For today’s Hambo Hoedown we are challenged to USE KRAFT. I don’t do that very often so I had to dust off my package of kraft cardstock and let Bailey take over from there.

Hambo Bailey Christmas

I decided this would be a fun card to give to Cash’s (my sweet black lab) groomer. So I added a fun little pocket on the side for a gift card.

Kraft GC Hambo

The pocket is very easy.

  • Cut a piece of cardstock 4″X 2 1/8″.
  • Score 1/8″ on two short sides and a long side.
  • The other long side gets cut at an angle (nothing specific just eyeball it)
  • Fold the scored sides under (cut out the bottom squares where the the score lines intersect so it won’t be too bulky)
  • Add score tape on the outside of the folds (so it will stick to the card not to itself)
  • Adhere to the inside of your card – this is a pocket that you decorate to your preference. (I cut a piece of DP that coordinates with the front of my card. It cut it 3.5″X1.5″ and cut the top angle when I cut my pocket so it would match up. Once you fold under and 1/8″ on each side it leave an 1/8″ border.)


  • Stamps: – Bailey Christmas digi by Hambo Stamps
  • Papers – Kraft Cardstock (PTI) dark brown cardstock (Recollections), DP Lost and Found CHristmas set (My Minds Eye)
  • Ink: Copics –  Bailey E70, E74, E79, Bone E70, E74, W1, Suit R22, R24, R27, R29, White C0
  • Other: Holly ad Ribbon Embossing Folder(Cuttle Bug), Round Punches (EK Success), Rectangle and Deckled Rectangle Die (Spellbinders), Corner Rounder, eyelet, and Twine


Come on over to the Hoedown and then go check out what my teamies have done!!

Deborah *Jane * Jeannie * Jenn * Julia * Kendra

Thanks for stopping by and Have a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS!!
