Badge for SidebarHappy Thursday – one more day to the weekend! And today’s image represents what I will look like (with darker hair) right after work tomorrow 🙂 I am looking forward to a pajama night with movies and popcorn!

This new image from Little Miss Muffet Stamps is called Jr. Hatter Pipper and she is adorable – she make me smile out loud!!LMMS JrI decided to go simple but use some fun digi paper I just got – aren’t thought triangles fun! It has been a while since I used black to provide a bold contrast to my papers (I haven’t used papers in a while really – but I still love it) This image has a bell at the end of her hat, but I decided I wasn’t it to be more puffy so I added glossy accents and glitter. I love her!


  • Image:Jr. Hatter Pipper digis by Little Miss Muffet Stamps
  • Sentiment: Simple Sentiments (Inky Antics)
  • Paper: White (Papertrey Ink), Turquoise and black (Recollections), Digi DP (Sonya DeHart)
  • Ink Images: Copics (mouse)C0, C1, C3, C5, R00, (skin)E00, E02, E11, E21, (shadow) W1, W3, W5, (bear)E33, E35, E37, E39, (hair)E51, E53, E55, (clothes)BG13, BG15, BG18, TG21, YG23, YG25, Y23, Y26, Y28, R83, R85, Black glaze pen
  • Ink Sentiment: Versafine Black Onyx
  • Other Basic Backdrop Dies and Polka Dot Backdrop dies (AJVD)

Thanks for stopping by! Have a great weekend!
