hambohoedownbuttonIt’s the first Wednesday of the month and the first Wednesday of a whole new year (so I posted it late sigh…) It is time for a Hambo Hoedown! This Hoedown will last for the whole month of January (until Feb 3rd at midnight.)

The theme this month is Use something new. If you’re like me, you got lots of new stuff over the holidays and this is your chance to use them before they get properly stored ad forgotten (sigh again…) For my card, I used an awesome new die I got from Papertrey Ink called Envelope Zipper and it is so much fun. After I sealed the card though, I just wanted to rip that sucker open to see it in action. Oh well…( PS and by the way, My PTI wishlist was granted by Santa so you are likely to see more dies this month – Yay me!!)

You can use any company’s image for this challenge but if you have a Hambo image, why not use it?

Hambo Coffe Girl Outside

I used a fun Hambo image called Coffee Girl (you know that I love her!!). She was perfect to go with the surprise on the inside!

coffee inside




Thanks for stopping by!
