I don’t about you, but often find myself making one of a kind cards and later on wishing I had a duplicate (so I didn’t feel like I needed to hoard it 🙂 ) After getting Sweet N Sassy Stamp’s new Christmas Blocks, (which are absolutely adorable by the way), I thought – why not use my MISTI and try to create several cards in one(ish) sitting.

I have been traveling a lot so I stamped them up and then took the images and my colored pencils on the road. There is just something so awesome about colored pencils on kraft paper… don’t you think.

Here they are!

I decided to check out a couple of sentiments before I came up with one I felt was good with all of the images from the Christmas Pine Set.

When I finished, I had 8 cards – Woohoo! I almost felt ready to address some envelopes from my Christmas list. But alas it has to be a little cooler for me to feel right about doing so.

Here they are upclose:

The snowman – The first sentiment I tried was the smaller Merry Christmas from Born this Day and then I settled on the bigger one.

Here are the Santas – one sentiment From Christmas Pine and one from The Christmas Blocks set. 

The reindeer – For this one, I actually tried pencils (left) and Copics (right) just to see how different the looked on the kraft – the Copics turned out great for this one because the shading was so much easier for some reason. In real life the pencils have a little more shading and look pretty good too. Here is the Elf – isn’t he cute!Bonus: While I was inking up images, I stamped one of the trees from the Christmas Topiaries too. I haven’t decided if I am going to do a sentiment but I like it so far…I am going to enter these into the following challenges:

Thanks for stopping by!! Have a great one!
